Friday, March 16, 2018

A Solitude's Symphony deciphered by an Enigmatic Soul

Welcome to Mallolity...
A pristine place, where I pour out my soul, to enjoy the symphony of my solitude.

(Use the easy navigation tabs to surf through my poems, articles and random thoughts... )

Feel free to flood reactions, criticism and feedback! They are my biggest source of encouragement. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Until Truth Becomes True...

When you feel lost and your introspection fails to reach a conclusion,

When it hurts so bad as your existence fails to be among prime inclusion,

When he who guided your every step, his path seems to be full of convolution,

From all affection, warmth and support, you shall remain forever in seclusion.

Expecting hard-work to be considered as obedience,

While falling prey over and over again to the same trap of lenience,

When walking away from responsibilities is no longer a convenience,

You shall chose to fight a battle with none, but your own perseverance.

The Utopian Harmony

A skipped beat for the unrequited,
A joyful symphony for a possession so priced, 
A sanguine fanfare for the forbidden fantasy,
Yet an obscure scar from a stab called life!